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Pioneer Elabs is focused on our customer’s ultimate success and is committed to having the highest level of quality in the industry. It is our guiding principle to provide our external and internal customers with a level of quality and service that consistently meets or exceeds expectations through the following philosophies:
Meeting or exceeding customer and organizational requirements - Constant striving for quality services that meet or exceed the customer’s and/or organizational requirements.
Aligning ourselves with the most competent base of suppliers available in the industry - The ability of our suppliers to provide us with quality goods and services is critical to our success. We will strive to achieve excellence in our supply chain with a common vision in the areas of quality, continuous improvement and excellence in customer service.
Hiring the best people in the industry - Training those people on our system and focusing those people on executing our processes flawlessly.
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Pioneer Towers,
Plot no. 16, Software Units Layout, 
Madhapur (Hitech-city), Hyderabad-500081,
Phone: +91 40 42030700, Fax: +91 40 23116055
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